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We sell diecast model cars, trucks, planes buses, motorbikes Matchbox 1-75 Range
  The Lesney Years - 1-75 Range  

Box Types

This range was launched in 1953 by the Lesney company and continued until the company went bankrupt in 1982, with production continuing into 1983 under short-lived new ownership of the Lesney brand.

Over this time the model numbers were re-used as old models were deleted and new ones added There were some continuing themes like buses, road rollers, bulldozers and fire engines which inherited the same number for a time but there does not appear to be a long term pattern. Below you will see the models which occupied these places in the 1-75 number range over the Lesney years. Each line is in chronological order reading left to right. The letter suffixes (7A, 23B etc. which refer to the sequence of release of the models, are not part of the Matchbox numbering system but seem to be accepted by and are common to most sources & collectors, in later editions of Ramsay's price guide the letter suffixes start again at 'A' in the Superfast section.

The big milestone came in 1969 when Mattel launched Hot Wheels range. In response to which Matchbox came up with Superfast which was their own version of the low friction wheels that made Hot Wheels such a success. Prior to this the models had a range of styles of regular wheels on thick mild steel axles. Regular wheels had been initially grey metal, later grey or silver plastic and latterly black plastic. Some models had plastic tyres with plastic disc or metal spoked wheels, but these are not too successful, the tyres are always loose.

The models below with regular wheels (i.e. not Superfast) have a peach coloured background. The transitional models, those which began life with regular wheels and were later adapted to Superfast, or spanned the change, have an orange background. The Superfast era models are shown with a blue background. Click on a thumbnail to go to a page about the model showing more pictures. Where I have a number of variations on the model they are shown on the model's own page. This is the fun of collecting Matchboxes, the production seems to have been so chaotic in terms of paint colours, wheel styles, decals etc that the variations are almost infinite. Some of the rare ones are valuable too!

Update started
27th August 2024

We are checking the information
below for accuracy and

We are also updating and adding new
photos where we have better ones

Part way down the page you will find a
gap in the rows. Above the gap our
work is done, below the gap it is still
to be started.

  1953 1956 1958 1962 1968 1971 1976  
1 Aveling-Barford Road Roller - 1a Matchbox 1b; Aveling-Barford Road Roller (57mm) Still Looking Matchbox 1d; Aveling-Barford Road Roller (67mm) Matchbox/Lesney 1e; Mercedes-Benz Covered Truck Matchbox/Lesney 1f; Mod Rod Matchbox 1g; Dodge Challenger; Red, Plated Interior 1
  Matchbox 1a; Aveling-Barford Road Roller Matchbox 1b; Aveling-Barford Road Roller (57mm) Matchbox 1c; Aveling-Barford Road Roller (62mm) Matchbox 1d; Aveling-Barford Road Roller (67mm) Matchbox 1e; Mercedes-Benz Covered Truck Matchbox 1f; Mod Rod Matchbox 1g; Dodge Challenger  

  1953 1957 1962 1967 1971 1976 1981  
2 Matchbox 2a; Muir-Hill Site Dumper (42mm) Matchbox 2b; Muir-Hill Site Dumper (46mm) Matchbox 2c; Muir Hill Dumper Truck With Cab Matchbox 2d; Mercedes-Benz Trailer Matchbox/Lesney 2e; Jeep Hot Rod Matchbox/Lesney 2f; Rescue Hovercraft; Light Metallic Green Matchbox 2g; S2 Buccaneer Jet 2
  Matchbox 2a; Muir-Hill Site Dumper (42mm) Matchbox 2b; Muir-Hill Site Dumper (46mm) Matchbox 2c; Muir Hill Dumper Truck With Cab Matchbox 2d; Mercedes-Benz Trailer Matchbox 2e; Jeep Hot Rod Matchbox 2f; Rescue Hovercraft Matchbox 2g; S2 Buccaneer Jet  

  1953 1961 1967 1973 1978      
3 Matchbox 3a; Cement Mixer Matchbox 3b; Bedford TK 7.5 ton Tipper Matchbox 3c; Mercedes-Benz Binz Ambulance Matchbox 3d; Monteverdi Hai Matchbox/Lesney 3e; Porsche 911 Turbo     3
  Matchbox 3a; Cement Mixer Matchbox 3b; Bedford TK 7.5 ton Tipper Matchbox 3c; Mercedes-Benz Binz Ambulance Matchbox 3d; Monteverdi Hai Matchbox 3e; Porsche 911 Turbo      

  1954 1957 1960 1967 1971 1975 1980  
4 Matchbox/Lesney 4a; Massey Harris Tractor Matchbox 4b; Massey Harris Tractor Matchbox 4c; Triumph Motorcycle and Sidecar; Metallic Blue Matchbox 4d; Dodge Cattle Truck Matchbox/Lesney 4e; Gruesome Twosome Matchbox 4f; Pontiac Firebird Matchbox 4g; '57 Chevy 4
  Matchbox 4a; Massey Harris Tractor Matchbox 4b; Massey Harris Tractor Matchbox 4c; Triumph Motorcycle and Sidecar Matchbox 4d; Dodge Cattle Truck Matchbox 4e; Gruesome Twosome Matchbox 4f; Pontiac Firebird Matchbox 4g; '57 Chevy  

  1954 1957 1961 1965 1969 1975 1979  
5 Matchbox 5a; Leyland London Bus (52mm) Matchbox/Lesney 5b; Leyland London Bus (57mm) Matchbox 5c; AEC Routemaster Bus (66mm, no seats) Matchbox 5d; AEC Routemaster Bus (70mm) Matchbox 5e; Lotus Europa Matchbox 5f; Seafire Racing Power Boat Matchbox/Lesney 5g; Jeep US Mail Truck 5
  Matchbox 5a; Leyland London Bus (52mm) Matchbox 5b; Leyland London Bus (57mm) Matchbox 5c; AEC Routemaster Bus (66mm) Matchbox 5d; AEC Routemaster Bus (70mm) Matchbox 5e; Lotus Europa Matchbox 5f; Seafire Racing Power Boat Matchbox 5g/5h; Jeep - US Mail Truck & 4x4 Off Road  

  1954 1959 1963 1968 1974 1982    
6 Matchbox 6a; Quarry Truck (55mm) Matchbox 6b; Euclid 2 Axle Quarry Truck Matchbox 6c; Euclid 46-TD 3 Axle Quarry Truck Matchbox 6d; Ford Pickup Truck Matchbox 6e; Mercedes-Benz 350SL Matchbox 6f; Mercedes-Benz 350SL Convertible   6
  Matchbox 6a; Quarry Truck (55mm) Matchbox 6b; Euclid 2 Axle Quarry Truck Matchbox 6c; Euclid 46-TD 3 Axle Quarry Truck Matchbox 6d; Ford Pickup Truck Matchbox 6e; Mercedes-Benz 350SL Matchbox 6f; Mercedes-Benz 350SL Convertible    

  1954 1961 1967 1971 1976      
7 Matchbox 7a; Horse-Drawn Milk Float Matchbox 7b; Ford Anglia Matchbox/Lesney 7c; Ford Refuse Truck Matchbox 7d; Hairy Hustler Matchbox 7e; Volkswagen Golf     7
  Matchbox 7a; Horse-Drawn Milk Float Matchbox 7b; Ford Anglia Matchbox 7c; Ford Refuse Truck Matchbox 7d; Hairy Hustler Matchbox 7e; Volkswagen Golf      

  1955 1958 1961 1966 1971 1975 1981  
8 Matchbox 8a; Caterpillar Tractor

Still Looking

Still Looking Matchbox 8e; Ford Mustang Matchbox 8f; Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster Matchbox 8g; De Tomaso Pantera Matchbox 8h; Rover 3500 8
  Matchbox 8a; Caterpillar Tractor Matchbox 8b; Caterpillar Tractor (42mm) Matchbox 8c; Caterpillar Tractor (48mm) Matchbox 8e; Ford Mustang Matchbox 8f; Ford Mustang Wildcat Dragster Matchbox 8g; De Tomaso Pantera Matchbox 8h; Rover 3500  

  1953 1958 1959 1965 1972 1978    
9 Matchbox 9a; Dennis Fire Engine Matchbox/Lesney 9b; Dennis Fire Engine Matchbox 9c; Merryweather Marquis Fire Engine Matchbox 9d; Cabin Cruiser & Trailer Matchbox 9e; AMX Javelin Matchbox 9f; Ford Escort RS 2000   9
  Matchbox 9a; Dennis Fire Engine Matchbox 9b; Dennis Fire Engine Matchbox 9c; Merryweather Marquis Fire Engine Matchbox 9d; Cabin Cruiser & Trailer Matchbox 9e; AMX Javelin Matchbox 9f; Ford Escort RS 2000    

  1955 1958 1960 1966 1973 1979    
10 Matchbox 10a; Scammell Mechanical Horse (56mm) Matchbox 10b; Scammell Mechanical Horse and Trailer (75mm) Matchbox 10c; Foden Sugar Container Matchbox 10d; Leyland Pipe Truck Matchbox 10e; Ford Mustang Piston Popper Matchbox 10f; Plymouth Gran Fury Police Car   10
  Matchbox 10a; Scammell Mechanical Horse (56mm) Matchbox 10b; Scammell Mechanical Horse and Trailer (75mm) Matchbox 10c; Foden Sugar Container Matchbox 10d; Leyland Pipe Truck Matchbox 10e; Ford Mustang Piston Popper Matchbox 10f; Plymouth Gran Fury Police Car    

  1955 1958 1965 1969 1972 1977    
11 Matchbox 11a; ERF Road Tanker (52mm) Matchbox 11b; ERF Petrol Tanker (63mm) Matchbox 11c; Taylor Jumbo Crane Matchbox/Lesney 11d; Mercedes-Benz Scaffold Truck Matchbox/Lesney 11e; Volkswagen Flying Bug Matchbox 11f; Bedford Car Transporter   11
  Matchbox 11a; ERF Road Tanker (52mm) Matchbox 11b; ERF Petrol Tanker (63mm) Matchbox 11c; Taylor Jumbo Crane Matchbox 11d; Mercedes-Benz Scaffold Truck Matchbox 11e; Volkswagen Flying Bug Matchbox 11f; Bedford Car Transporter    

  1955 1959 1965 1971 1975 1979    
12 Matchbox/Lesney 12a; Land Rover Series 1 Matchbox/Lesney 12b; Land Rover Series II Matchbox/Lesney 12c; Land Rover Safari Matchbox 12d; Setra Coach Matchbox/Lesney 12e; Big Bull Matchbox/Lesney 12f; Citroën CX Break   12
  Matchbox 12a; Land Rover Series 1 Matchbox 12b; Land Rover Series II Matchbox 12c; Land Rover Safari Matchbox 12d; Setra Coach Matchbox 12e; Big Bull Matchbox 12f; Citroen CX Break    

  1955 1958 1960 1965 1971 1978    
13 Matchbox 13a; Bedford Wreck Truck (51mm) Matchbox 13b; Bedford Wreck Truck (54mm) Matchbox 13c; Ford Thames Trader Wreck Truck Matchbox/Lesney 13d; Dodge Fargo Wreck Truck Matchbox/Lesney 13e; Baja Buggy Matchbox 13f; GMC Snorkel Fire Truck   13
  Matchbox 13a; Bedford Wreck Truck (51mm) Matchbox 13b; Bedford Wreck Truck (54mm) Matchbox 13c; Ford Thames Trader Wreck Truck Matchbox 13d; Dodge Fargo Wreck Truck Matchbox 13e; Baja Buggy Matchbox 13f; GMC Snorkel Fire Truck    

  1955 1958 1962 1968 1975 1982    
14 Matchbox 14a; Daimler Ambulance (49mm) Matchbox 14b; Daimler Ambulance (59mm); Cream; Metal Wheels Matchbox 14c; Bedford Lomas Ambulance Matchbox 14d; Iso Grifo Coupe Matchbox 14e; Mini Ha Ha Matchbox 14f; Leyland Petrol Tanker   14
  Matchbox 14a; Daimler Ambulance (49mm) Matchbox 14b; Daimler Ambulance (59mm) Matchbox 14c; Bedford Lomas Ambulance Matchbox 14d; Iso Grifo Coupe Matchbox 14e; Mini Ha Ha Matchbox 14f; Leyland Petrol Tanker    

  1955 1959 1963 1968 1972      
15 Matchbox 15a; Diamond T Prime Mover Matchbox 15b; Rotinoff Super Atlantic Tractor Matchbox 15c; Dennis Tippax Refuse Lorry Matchbox 15d; Volkswagen 1500 Beetle Matchbox 15e; Fork Lift Truck     15
  Matchbox 15a; Diamond T Prime Mover Matchbox 15b; Rotinoff Super Atlantic Tractor Matchbox 15c; Dennis Tippax Refuse Lorry Matchbox 15d; Volkswagen 1500 Beetle Matchbox 15e; Fork Lift Truck      

  1955 1960 1963 1969 1974 1980 1982  
16 Matchbox/Lesney 16a; Transporter Trailer Matchbox 16b; Super Atlantic Trailer 8 Wheels Matchbox 16c; Scammell Snow-Plough Matchbox/Lesney 16d; Case Bulldozer Matchbox/Lesney 16e; Badger Radar Truck Matchbox 16f; Pontiac Trans-Am Firebird Matchbox/Lesney 16f; Pontiac Trans-Am Firebird 16
  Matchbox 16a; Transporter Trailer 6 Wheels Matchbox 16b; Super Atlantic Trailer 8 Wheels Matchbox 16c; Scammell Snow-Plough Matchbox 16d; Case Bulldozer (64mm) Matchbox 16e; Badger Radar Truck Matchbox 16f; Pontiac Trans-Am Firebird Matchbox MB-16; Pontiac T Roof  

  1955 1958 1960 1963 1969 1972 1982  
17 Matchbox 17a; Bedford Removal Van (first version) Matchbox 17b; Bedford Removal Van (second version) Matchbox 17c; Austin FX3 Taxi Matchbox 17d; Foden Hoveringham Tipper Matchbox 17e; AEC Horse Box Matchbox 17f; The Londoner Daimler Bus Matchbox 17g; Leyland Titan Bus 17
  Matchbox 17a; Bedford Removal Van
(first version)
Matchbox 17b; Bedford Removal Van
(second version)
Matchbox 17c; Austin FX3 Taxi Matchbox 17d; Foden Hoveringham Tipper Matchbox 17e; AEC Horse Box Matchbox 17f; The Londoner Daimler Bus Matchbox 17g; Leyland Titan Bus  

  1955 1958 1961 1964 1969 1974    
18 Matchbox 18a; Caterpillar Bulldozer (46mm) Matchbox/Lesney 18b; Caterpillar Bulldozer Matchbox/Lesney 18c; Caterpillar Bulldozer Matchbox 18d; Caterpillar Bulldozer (62mm) Matchbox 18e; Field Car Matchbox 18f; Hondarora   18
  Matchbox 18a; Caterpillar Bulldozer (46mm) Matchbox 18b; Caterpillar Bulldozer (50mm) Matchbox 18c; Caterpillar Bulldozer (58mm) Matchbox 18d; Caterpillar Bulldozer (62mm) Matchbox 18e; Field Car Matchbox 18f; Hondarora    

  1956 1958 1962 1965 1970 1981 1982  
19 Matchbox 19a; MG TD Sports Car Matchbox 19b; MGA Sports Car Matchbox 19c; Aston Martin DBR5 Racing Car Matchbox 19d; Lotus 33 Racing Car Matchbox 19e; Road Dragster Matchbox 19f; Cement Truck Matchbox 19g; Peterbilt Cement Truck 19
  Matchbox 19a; MG TD Sports Car Matchbox 19b; MGA Sports Car Matchbox 19c; Aston Martin DBR5 Racing Car Matchbox 19d; Lotus 33 Racing Car Matchbox 19e; Road Dragster Matchbox 19f; Cement Truck Matchbox 19g; Peterbilt Cement Truck  

  1956 1959 1965 1969 1975      
20 Matchbox 20a; ERF Stake Truck Matchbox 20b; ERF 68G Truck Matchbox/Lesney 20c; Chevrolet Impala Taxi Matchbox 20d; Lamborghini Marzal Matchbox 20e; Range Rover Police Patrol     20
  Matchbox 20a; ERF Stake Truck Matchbox 20b; ERF 68G Truck Matchbox 20c; Chevrolet Impala Taxi Matchbox 20d; Lamborghini Marzal Matchbox 20e; Range Rover Police Patrol      

  1956 1958 1961 1968 1973 1978    
21 Matchbox 21a; Long Distance Coach (57mm) Matchbox 21b; Bedford Duple Luxury Coach (68mm) Matchbox 21c; Commer Milk Float Matchbox 21d; Foden 8 Wheel Cement Truck Matchbox 21e; Rod Roller Matchbox/Lesney 21f; Renault 5TL   21
  Matchbox 21a; Long Distance Coach (57mm) Matchbox 21b; Bedford Duple Luxury Coach (68mm) Matchbox 21c; Commer Milk Float Matchbox 21d; Foden 8 Wheel Cement Truck Matchbox 21e; Rod Roller Matchbox 21f; Renault 5TL    

  1956 1958 1965 1970 1975 1982    
22 Matchbox 22a; Vauxhall Cresta Matchbox 22b; Vauxhall Cresta Matchbox 22c; Pontiac GP Sports Coupe Matchbox 22d; Freeman Intercity Commuter Matchbox 22e; Blaze Buster Matchbox 22f; Ford Mini Pickup   22
  Matchbox 22a; Vauxhall Cresta Matchbox 22b; Vauxhall Cresta Matchbox 22c; Pontiac GP Sports Coupe Matchbox 22d; Freeman Intercity Commuter Matchbox 22e; Blaze Buster Matchbox 22f; Ford Mini Pickup    

  1956 1957 1960 1965 1970 1975    
23 Matchbox 23a; Berkeley Cavalier Caravan (stud through door); Pale Blue Matchbox 23b; Berkeley Cavalier Caravan Matchbox 23c; Bluebird Dauphine Caravan Matchbox 23d; Trailer Caravan Matchbox 23e; Volkswagen Camper Matchbox 23f; Atlas Tipper   23
  Matchbox 23a; Berkeley Cavalier Caravan
(stud through door)
Matchbox 23b; Berkeley Cavalier Caravan
(stud not in door)
Matchbox 23c; Bluebird Dauphine Caravan Matchbox 23d; Trailer Caravan Matchbox 23e; Volkswagen Camper Matchbox 23f; Atlas Tipper    

  1956 1959 1970 1973 1978 1981    
24 Matchbox 24a; Weatherill Hydraulic Excavator (58mm) Matchbox 24b; Weatherill Hydraulic Excavator (67mm) Matchbox 24c; Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Matchbox 24d; Formula 1 Team Matchbox Matchbox 24e; Diesel Shunter Matchbox MB-24; Datsun 280ZX; Black, Gold Pinstriping   24
  Matchbox 24a; Weatherill Hydraulic Excavator (58mm) Matchbox 24b; Weatherill Hydraulic Excavator (67mm) Matchbox 24c; Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Matchbox 24d; Formula 1 Team Matchbox Matchbox 24e; Diesel Shunter Matchbox MB-24; Datsun 280ZX    

  1958 1960 1964 1968 1972 1978 1982  
25 Matchbox 25a; Bedford CA Dunlop Van Matchbox 25b; Volkswagen Beetle Matchbox 25c; Bedford TK Petrol Tanker Matchbox 25d; Ford Cortina GT Matchbox 25e; Mod Tractor Matchbox 25f; Flat Rail Car & Container Matchbox 25g; Audi Quattro 25
  Matchbox 25a; Bedford CA Dunlop Van Matchbox 25b; Volkswagen Beetle Matchbox 25c; Bedford TK Petrol Tanker Matchbox 25d; Ford Cortina GT Matchbox 25e; Mod Tractor Matchbox 25f; Flat Rail Car & Container Matchbox 25g; Audi Quattro  

  1956 1961 1968 1972 1976 1982    
26 Matchbox 26a; ERF Cement Mixer (45mm) Matchbox 26b; Foden 6 Wheel Cement Mixer (66mm) Matchbox 26c; GMC Tipper Matchbox 26d; Big Banger Matchbox 26e; Site Dumper Matchbox 26f; Volvo Cable Truck   26
  Matchbox 26a; ERF Cement Mixer (45mm) Matchbox 26b; Foden 6 Wheel Cement Mixer (66mm) Matchbox 26c; GMC Tipper Matchbox 26d; Big Banger
(Cosmic Blues)
Matchbox 26e; Site Dumper Matchbox 26f; Volvo Cable Truck    

  1956 1958 1960 1966 1972 1981    
27 Matchbox 27a; Bedford Low Loader (78mm) Matchbox 27b; Bedford Low Loader (95mm) Matchbox 27c; Cadillac Sixty Special Matchbox 27d; Mercedes-Benz 230SL Matchbox 27e; Lamborghini Countach Matchbox 27f; Swing Wing F14 Tomcat Jet fighter   27
  Matchbox 27a; Bedford Low Loader (78mm) Matchbox 27b; Bedford Low Loader (95mm) Matchbox 27c; Cadillac Sixty Special Matchbox 27d; Mercedes-Benz 230SL Matchbox 27e; Lamborghini Countach Matchbox 27f; Swing Wing Fighter    

  1956 1959 1964 1968 1973 1979 1981  
28 Matchbox/Lesney 28a; Bedford Compressor Truck Matchbox 28b; Ford Thames Trader Compressor Matchbox 28c; Jaguar Mk10 Matchbox 28d; Mack Dump Truck Matchbox 28e; Stoat Matchbox 28f; Lincoln Continental Matchbox 28g; Formula 5000 Racer 28
  Matchbox 28a; Bedford Compressor Truck Matchbox 28b; Ford Thames Trader Compressor Matchbox 28c; Jaguar Mk10 Matchbox 28d; Mack Dump Truck Matchbox 28e; Stoat Matchbox 28f; Lincoln Continental Matchbox 28g; Formula 5000 Racer  

  1956 1961 1966 1970 1976      
29 Matchbox 29a; Bedford Milk Float Matchbox 29b; Austin Cambridge Matchbox/Lesney 29c; Fire Pumper Truck Matchbox 29d; Racing Mini Matchbox 29e; Muir Hill Tractor Shovel     29
  Matchbox 29a; Bedford Milk Float Matchbox 29b; Austin Cambridge Matchbox 29c; Fire Pumper Truck Matchbox 29d; Racing Mini Matchbox 29e; Muir Hill Tractor Shovel      

  1956 1961 1965 1971 1976 1981    
30 Matchbox/Lesney 30b; Magirus-Deutz Six Wheel Crane Matchbox 30b; Magirus-Deutz Six Wheel Crane Matchbox 30c; 8 Wheel Crane Matchbox 30d; Beach Buggy Matchbox 30e; Swamp Rat Matchbox 30f; Leyland Articulated Truck   30
  Matchbox 30a; Ford Prefect Matchbox 30b; Magirus-Deutz Six Wheel Crane Matchbox 30c; 8 Wheel Crane Matchbox 30d; Beach Buggy Matchbox 30e; Swamp Rat Matchbox 30f; Leyland Articulated Truck    

  1957 1960 1964 1971 1977      
31 Matchbox 31a; Ford Station Wagon Matchbox 31b; American Ford Station Wagon Matchbox 31c; Lincoln Continental Matchbox 31d; Volksdragon Matchbox 31e; Caravan     31
  Matchbox 31a; Ford Station Wagon Matchbox 31b; American Ford Station Wagon Matchbox 31c; Lincoln Continental Matchbox 31d; Volksdragon Matchbox 31e; Caravan      

  1957 1962 1968 1973 1977 1981    
32 Matchbox 32a; Jaguar XK140 Coupe Matchbox 32b; Jaguar E-Type Matchbox 32c; Leyland Petrol Tanker Matchbox 32d; Maserati Bora Matchbox 32e; Field Gun Matchbox 32f; Atlas Excavator   32
  Matchbox 32a; Jaguar XK140 Coupe Matchbox 32b; Jaguar E-Type Matchbox 32c; Leyland Petrol Tanker Matchbox 32d; Maserati Bora Matchbox 32e; Field Gun Matchbox 32f; Atlas Excavator    

  1957 1963 1968 1973 1977      
33 Matchbox 33a; Ford Zodiac Matchbox 33b; Ford Zephyr 6 Mk III Matchbox 33c; Lamborghini Miura Matchbox 33d; Datsun 126X Matchbox 33e; Police Motorcycle     33
  Matchbox 33a; Ford Zodiac Matchbox 33b; Ford Zephyr 6 Mk III Matchbox 33c; Lamborghini Miura Matchbox 33d; Datsun 126X Matchbox 33e; Police Motorcycle      

  1957 1962 1967 1971 1978 1981    
34 Matchbox 34a; Volkswagen Van Matchbox 34b; Volkswagen Caravanette Matchbox 34c; Volkswagen Camper Matchbox 34d; Formula 1 Racing Car Matchbox 34e; Vantastic Mustang Matchbox 34f; Chevy Pro-Stocker   34
  Matchbox 34a; Volkswagen Van Matchbox 34b; Volkswagen Caravanette Matchbox 34c; Volkswagen Camper Matchbox 34d; Formula 1 Racing Car Matchbox 34e; Vantastic Mustang Matchbox 34f; Chevy Pro-Stocker    

  1957 1964 1969 1977 1982      
35 Matchbox 35a; ERF Marshall Horsebox Matchbox 35b; Snow-Trac Tractor Matchbox 35c; Merryweather Fire Engine Matchbox 35d; Fandango Matchbox 35e; Volvo Zoo Truck     35
  Matchbox 35a; ERF Marshall Horsebox Matchbox 35b; Snow-Trac Tractor Matchbox 35c; Merryweather Fire Engine Matchbox 35d; Fandango Matchbox 35e; Volvo Zoo Truck      

  1957 1961 1966 1970 1975 1980    
36 Matchbox 36a; Austin A50 Matchbox 36b; Lambretta Scooter and Sidecar Matchbox 36c; Opel Diplomat Matchbox 36d; Draguar Matchbox 36e; Formula 5000 Matchbox 36f; Ford Refuse Truck   36
  Matchbox 36a; Austin A50 Matchbox 36b; Lambretta Scooter and Sidecar Matchbox 36c; Opel Diplomat Matchbox 36d; Draguar Matchbox 36e; Formula 5000 Matchbox 36f; Refuse Truck    

  1957 1960 1966 1972 1976 1982    
37 Matchbox 37a; Karrier Bantam Coca-Cola Lorry Matchbox 37b; Karrier Bantam Coca-Cola Lorry Matchbox 37c; Dodge Cattle Truck Matchbox 37d; Soopa Coopa Matchbox 37e; Atlas Skip Truck Matchbox 37f; Matra Rancho   37
  Matchbox 37a; Karrier Bantam Coca-Cola Lorry Matchbox 37b; Karrier Bantam Coca-Cola Lorry Matchbox 37c; Dodge Cattle Truck Matchbox 37d; Soopa Coopa Matchbox 37e; Atlas Skip Truck Matchbox 37f; Matra Rancho    

  1957 1963 1967 1973 1976 1980 1983  
38 Matchbox/Lesney 38a; Karrier Bantam Refuse Lorry Matchbox 38b; Vauxhall Victor Estate Matchbox 38c; Honda Motorcycle & Trailer Matchbox 38d; Stingeroo Matchbox 38e; Jeep Matchbox 38f; Ford Camper Matchbox 38g; Ford Model A Van 38
  Matchbox 38a; Karrier Bantam Refuse Collector Matchbox 38b; Vauxhall Victor Estate Matchbox 38c; Honda Motorcycle & Trailer Matchbox 38d; Stingeroo Matchbox 38e; Jeep Matchbox 38f; Ford Camper Matchbox 38g; Ford Model A Van  

  1957 1962 1967 1973 1979      
39 Matchbox 39a; Ford Zodiac Convertible Matchbox 39b; Pontiac Convertible Matchbox 39c; Ford 5000 Tractor Matchbox 39d; Clipper Matchbox 39e; Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow II     39
  Matchbox 39a; Ford Zodiac Convertible Matchbox 39b; Pontiac Convertible Matchbox 39c; Ford 5000 Tractor Matchbox 39d; Clipper Matchbox 39e; Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow II      

  1957 1962 1967 1975 1977      
40 Matchbox 40a; Bedford S Type Tipper Matchbox 40b; Leyland Royal Tiger Coach Matchbox 40c; Hay Trailer Matchbox 40d; Vauxhall Guildsman Matchbox 40e; Bedford Horse-Box     40
  Matchbox 40a; Bedford 7 Ton Tipper Matchbox 40b; Leyland Royal Tiger Coach Matchbox 40c; Hay Trailer Matchbox 40d; Vauxhall Guildsman Matchbox 40e; Bedford Horse-Box      

  1957 1960 1966 1972 1978 1983    
41 Matchbox 41a; Jaguar D-Type (55mm) Matchbox 41b; Jaguar D Type (62mm) Matchbox 41c; Ford GT Matchbox 41d; Siva Spyder Matchbox 41e; Ford F150 Ambulance Matchbox Convoy CY9; Kenworth Aerodyne Conventional   41
  Matchbox 41a; Jaguar D-Type (55mm) Matchbox 41b; Jaguar D Type (62mm) Matchbox 41c; Ford GT Matchbox 41d; Siva Spyder Matchbox 41e; Ford F150 Ambulance 41F Kenworth Truck    

  1957 1965 1969 1972 1977 1982    
42 Matchbox 42a; Evening News Van Matchbox 42b; Studebaker Lark Wagonaire Matchbox 42c; Iron Fairy Crane Matchbox 42d; Tyre Fryer Matchbox 42e; Mercedes-Benz Container Truck Matchbox 42f; Ford Thunderbird 1957   42
  Matchbox 42a; Evening News Van Matchbox 42b; Studebaker Lark Wagonaire Matchbox 42c; Iron Fairy Crane Matchbox 42d; Tyre Fryer Matchbox 42e; Mercedes-Benz Container Truck Matchbox 42f; Ford Thunderbird 1957    

  1958 1962 1968 1972 1978      
43 Matchbox 43a; Hillman Minx Matchbox 43b; Aveling-Barford Tractor Shovel Matchbox 43c; Pony Trailer Matchbox 43d; Dragon Wheels Matchbox 43e; 0-4-0 Locomotive     43
  Matchbox 43a; Hillman Minx Matchbox 43b; Aveling-Barford Tractor Shovel Matchbox 43c; Pony Trailer Matchbox 43d; Dragon Wheels Matchbox 43e; 0-4-0 Locomotive      

  1958 1964 1967 1972 1978      
44 Matchbox 44a; Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud Matchbox 44b; Rolls-Royce Phantom V Matchbox 44c; GMC Refrigerator Truck Matchbox 44d; Ford Boss Mustang Matchbox 44e; Railway Passenger Coach     44
  Matchbox 44a; Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud Matchbox 44b; Rolls-Royce Phantom V Matchbox 44c; GMC Refrigerator Truck Matchbox 44d; Ford Boss Mustang Matchbox 44e; Railway Passenger Coach      

  1958 1965 1970 1976 1982      
45 Matchbox/Lesney 45a; Vauxhall Victor Matchbox/Lesney 45b; Ford Corsair & Boat Matchbox/Lesney 45c; Ford F3L Group 6 Racing Car Matchbox/Lesney 45d; BMW 3.0CSL Matchbox 45e; Kenworth Cabover Aerodyne     45
  Matchbox 45a; Vauxhall Victor Matchbox 45b; Ford Corsair & Boat Matchbox 45c; Ford F3L Group 6 Racing Car Matchbox 45d; BMW 3.0CSL Matchbox 45e; Kenworth Cabover Aerodyne      

  1958 1962            
46 Matchbox/Lesney 46a; Morris Minor Matchbox 46b; Guy Pickfords Removals Van Matchbox/Lesney 46c; Mercedes-Benz 300SE Matchbox/Lesney 46d; Stretcha Fetcha Matchbox/Lesney 46e; Ford Tractor & Harrow     46
  Matchbox 46a; Morris Minor Matchbox 46b; Guy Pickfords Removals Van 46C Mercedes 300SE 46D Stretcha Fetcha 46E Ford Tractor and Harrow      



Matchbox/Lesney 47a; Trojan 1 Ton Van

Matchbox/Lesney 47b; Commer Ice Cream Canteen

Matchbox/Lesney 47c; DAF Tipper Container Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 47d; Beach Hopper

Matchbox/Lesney 47e; Pannier Locomotive

Matchbox/Lesney 47f; Jaguar SS 100



  47A Trojan Van, Brooke Bond Tea 47B Commer Ice Cream Canteen

47C DAF Tipper Container Truck

47D Beach Hopper

47E Pannier Locomotive

47F SS100 Jaguar



Matchbox/Lesney 48a; Meteor Sportsman MkII Boat and Trailer

Matchbox/Lesney 48b; Sports Boat and Trailer

Matchbox/Lesney 48c; Dodge Fargo Dump Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 48f; Pi-Eyed Piper

Matchbox/Lesney 48e; Sambron Jacklift

Matchbox/Lesney 48f; Pi-Eyed Piper; Red Rider Matchbox/Lesney 48g; Mercedes-Benz Unimog Snowplough


  48A Meteor Motor Boat and Trailer 48B Sports Boat and Trailer 48C Dumper Truck *

48D Pie-eyed Piper

48E Sambron Jacklift


48G Mercedes UNIMOG Snowplough



Matchbox/Lesney 49a; M3 Halftrack Personnel Carrier

Matchbox/Lesney 49b; Mercedes-Benz Unimog Matchbox/Lesney 49c; Chop Suey

Matchbox/Lesney 49d; Crane Truck



  49a Army Half Track M3

49b Unimog

49c Chop Suey

49d Crane Truck



Matchbox/Lesney 50a; Commer Pickup Mk VIII

Matchbox/Lesney 50b; John Deere Tractor

Matchbox/Lesney 50c; Ford Kennel Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 50d; Articulated Truck

Still Looking Matchbox/Lesney 50e; Harley-Davidson Motorcycle  



50A Commer Pick-up


50B John Deere Tractor

50C Kennel Truck

50D Articulated Truck

50DX Articulated Truck Trailer

50E Harley Davidson



Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 51b; Tipping Trailer

Matchbox/Lesney 51c; AEC Eight-wheel Tipper

Matchbox/Lesney 51d; Citroën SM

Matchbox/Lesney 51e; Combine Harvester

Matchbox/Lesney 51f; Pontiac Firebird SE  


  51A Albion Chieftain Cement Lorry 51B Farm Tipping Trailer 51C AEC 8 Wheel Tipper *

51D Citroen SM

51E Combine Harvester

51F Pontiac Firebird SE



Matchbox/Lesney 52a; Maserati 4CLT

Matchbox/Lesney 52b; BRM F1 Racer

Matchbox/Lesney 52c; Dodge Charger MkIII

Matchbox/Lesney 52d; Police Launch

Matchbox/Lesney 52e; BMW M1




  52A Maserati 4 CLT

52B BRM Racer

52C Dodge Charger MkIII

52D Police Launch

52E BMW M1



Matchbox/Lesney 53a; Aston Martin DB2-4

Matchbox/Lesney 53b; Mercedes-Benz 220SE

Matchbox/Lesney 53c; Ford Zodiac MkIV

Matchbox/Lesney 53d; Tanzara

Matchbox/Lesney 53e; Jeep CJ6

Matchbox/Lesney 53f; Ford Flareside Pickup



  53A Aston Martin DB2-4

53B Mercedes Benz 220 SE

53C Ford Zodiac MkIV

53D Tanzara

53E Jeep CJ6

53F Ford Flareside Pickup



Matchbox/Lesney 54a; Saracen Personnel Carrier

Matchbox/Lesney 54b; Cadillac Ambulance

Matchbox/Lesney 54c; Ford Capri

Matchbox/Lesney 54d; Personnel Carrier Matchbox/Lesney 54e; Mobile Home Matchbox/Lesney 54f; NASA Tracking Vehicle  


  54A Saracen Personnel Carrier

54B S&S Cadillac Ambulance

54C Ford Capri

54D Personnel Carrier

54E Mobile Home

54F NASA Tracking Vehicle



Matchbox/Lesney 55a; D.U.K.W.

Matchbox/Lesney 55b; Ford Fairlane Police Car

Still Looking

Matchbox/Lesney 55d; Mercury Police Car

Matchbox/Lesney 55e; Mercury Police Commuter

Matchbox/Lesney 55f; Hellraiser

Matchbox/Lesney 55g; Ford Cortina Mk IV




55B Ford Fairlane Police Car

55C Ford Galaxie Police Car

55D Mercury Police Car *

55E Mercury Commuter Police

55F Hellraiser

55G Ford Cortina MkIV



Matchbox/Lesney 56a; London Trolleybus

Matchbox/Lesney 56b; Fiat 1500

Matchbox/Lesney 56c; BMC 1800 Pininfarina

Matchbox/Lesney 56d; Hi Tailer

Matchbox/Lesney 56e; Mercedes-Benz 450SEL

Matchbox/Lesney 56f; Peterbilt Tanker



  56A London Trolleybus

56B FIAT 1500

56C BMC 1800 Pinifarina

56D Hi-Tailer

56E Mercedes 450SEL

56F Peterbilt Tanker



Matchbox/Lesney 57a; Wolseley 1500

Matchbox/Lesney 57b; Chevrolet Impala

Matchbox/Lesney 57c; Land Rover Fire Truck Matchbox/Lesney 57d; Eccles Trailer Caravan Matchbox/Lesney 57e; Ford Wildlife Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 57f; Range Rover Carmichael Commando



  57A Wolseley 1500

57B Chevrolet Impala

57C Land Rover Fire Engine

57D Eccles Trailer Caravan

57E Wild Life Truck

57F Carmichael Rescue Vehicle    


AEC Coach BEA - 58a

Matchbox/Lesney 58b; Drott Excavator Matchbox/Lesney 58c; DAF Girder Truck Matchbox/Lesney 58d; Woosh N Push Matchbox/Lesney 58e; Faun Dump Truck    


  58A BEA Coach

58B Drott Excavator

58C DAF Girder Truck

58D Woosh 'n' Push

58E Faun Dump Truck



Matchbox/Lesney 59a

Matchbox/Lesney 59b; Ford Fairlane Fire Chief

Matchbox/Lesney 59c; Ford Galaxie Fire Chief Matchbox/Lesney 59d; Mercury Fire Chief Matchbox/Lesney 59e; Planet Scout Matchbox/Lesney 59f; Porsche 928  


  59A Ford Thames Van (Singer)

59B Ford Fairlane Fire Chief's Car

59C Ford Galaxie Fire Chief

59D Mercury Fire Chief

59E Planet Scout

59F Porsche 928



Matchbox/Lesney 60a; Morris J2 Pickup

Matchbox/Lesney 60b; Leyland Site Hut Truck Matchbox/Lesney 60c; Lotus Super Seven Matchbox/Lesney 60d; Holden Pick-up  




  60A Morris J2 Pickup

60B Office Site Truck *

60C Lotus Super Seven *

60D Holden Pick-up



Matchbox/Lesney 61a; Ferret Scout Car

Matchbox/Lesney 61b; Alvis Stalwart

Matchbox/Lesney 61c; Blue Shark Matchbox/Lesney 61d; Ford A Series Wrecker (Wreck Truck)

Matchbox/Lesney 61e; Peterbilt Wrecker Truck



  61A Army Scout Car

61B Alvis Stalwart

61C Blue Shark

61D Ford Wreck Truck

61E Peterbilt Wrecker



AEC Army General Service Lorry - 62 Matchbox/Lesney 62b; Commer TV Service Van Matchbox/Lesney 62c; Mercury Cougar Matchbox/Lesney 62d; Mercury Cougar Dragster Matchbox/Lesney 62e; Renault 17TL Matchbox/Lesney 62f; Chevrolet Corvette   62

62A AEC General Service Lorry

62B TV Service Van

62C Mercury Cougar

62D Mercury Rat Rod Dragster

62E Renault 17TL

62F Chevrolet Corvette




Matchbox/Lesney 63a; Ford Service Ambulance

Matchbox/Lesney 63b; Foamite Airport Fire Crash Tender

Matchbox/Lesney 63c; Dodge Crane Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 63d; Freeway Gas Tanker Still Looking Matchbox/Lesney 63e; 4x4 Open Back Pick-Up Matchbox/Lesney 69f; Merryweather Snorkel Fire Engine


  63A Ford 3 Ton 4x4 Service Ambulance

63B Airport

Fire Crash Tender

63C Dodge Crane Truck

63D Freeway Gas Tanker

63DX Freeway Gas Trailer

63E 4x4 Open back truck

63F SNORKEL Fire Engine



Matchbox/Lesney 64a; Scammell Breakdown Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 64b; MG 1100

Matchbox/Lesney 64c; Slingshot Dragster

Matchbox/Lesney 64d; Fire Chief Car

Matchbox/Lesney 64e; Caterpillar D9 Bulldozer



  64A Scammell Army Breakdown Truck

64B MG 1100 *

64C Slingshot Dragster

64D Fire Chief Car

64E Caterpillar D9



Matchbox/Lesney 65a; Jaguar 3.4 Litre Saloon

Matchbox/Lesney 65b; Jaguar 3.8 Litre Saloon

Matchbox/Lesney 65c; Claas Combine Harvester

Matchbox/Lesney 65d; Saab Sonnet III

Matchbox/Lesney 65e; Airport Coach    


  65A Jaguar 3.4

65B Jaguar 3.8

65C Claas Combine Harvester *

65D Saab Sonnet III

65E Airport Coach

65F Kenworth Bandag Bandit



Matchbox/Lesney 66a; Citroën DS19

Matchbox/Lesney 66b; Harley-Davidson Motorcycle and Sidecar

Matchbox/Lesney 66c; Greyhound Bus

Matchbox/Lesney 66d; Mazda RX500

Matchbox/Lesney 66e; Ford Transit Pick-Up

Matchbox/Lesney MB-66; Tyrone Malone  


  66A Citroen DS19

66B Harley Davidson Motorcycle & Sidecar

66C Greyhound Bus

66D Mazda RX500

66E Ford Transit Pickup

66F Tyrone Malone    


Matchbox/Lesney 67a; Saladin Armoured Car

Matchbox/Lesney 67b; Volkswagen 1600TL

Matchbox/Lesney 67c; Ford Capri Hot Rocker

Matchbox/Lesney 67d; Datsun 260Z 2+2




  67A Saladin Armoured Car 6x6

67B Volkswagen 1600TL

67C Ford Capri Hot Rocker

67D Datsun 260Z

68 Matchbox/Lesney 68a; Austin Army Wireless Truck Matchbox/Lesney 68b; Mercedes-Benz Coach Matchbox/Lesney 68c; Porsche 910 Matchbox/Lesney 68d; Cosmobile Matchbox/Lesney MB-68; 4x4 Chevy Van     68


68A Austin Army Wireless Truck

68B Mercedes Coach

68C Porsche 910

68D Cosmobile

68E Chevy Van




Matchbox/Lesney 69a; Commer 30cwt Van

Matchbox/Lesney 69b; Hatra Tractor Shovel

Matchbox/Lesney 69c; Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Coupe

Matchbox/Lesney 69d; Turbo Fury Matchbox/Lesney 69e; Security Truck Matchbox/Lesney 69f; Willys 1933 Street Rod  



69A Commer Van

69B Tractor Shovel

69C Rolls Royce Silver Shadow Coupe

69D Turbo Fury

69E Security Truck

69F Willys Street Rod



Matchbox/Lesney 70a; Ford Thames Estate Car

Matchbox/Lesney 70b; Ford Grit Spreading Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 70c; Dodge Dragster

Matchbox/Lesney 70d; Self-Propelled Gun

Matchbox/Lesney 70e; Ferrari 308GTB    


  70A Thames Estate Car

70B Grit Spreading Truck

70C Dodge Dragster

70D Self Propelled Gun

70E Ferrari 308 GTB



Matchbox/Lesney 71a; Austin 200 Gallon Army Water Tank

Matchbox/Lesney 71b; Jeep Gladiator Pickup

Matchbox/Lesney 71c; Ford Heavy Wreck Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 71d; Jumbo Jet

Matchbox/Lesney 71e; Dodge Cattle Truck

Matchbox/Lesney 71ex; Cattle Trailer



  71A Army Water Tanker

71B Jeep Gladiator

71C Ford Heavy Wrecker *

71D Jumbo Jet Chopper

71E Cattle Truck

71EX Cattle Trailer

71F 1962 Chevrolet CORVETTe



Matchbox/Lesney 72a; Fordson Tractor

Matchbox/Lesney 72b; Jeep CJ5

Matchbox/Lesney 72c; SRN6 Hovercraft Matchbox/Lesney 72d; Bomag Road Roller Matchbox/Lesney 72f; Ford Capri - Maxi Taxi Matchbox/Lesney 72e; Dodge Delivery Van  


  72A Fordson Tractor

  72B Jeep

72C SRN6 Hovercraft

72D Bomag Road Roller

72E Ford Capri MAXI TAXI

72F Dodge Commando Delivery 



Matchbox/Lesney 73a; Leyland Hippo RAF 10 Ton Pressure Refueller

Matchbox/Lesney 73b; Ferrari F1

Matchbox/Lesney 73c; Mercury Commuter

Matchbox/Lesney 73d; Weasel

Matchbox 73e; Ford Model A Coupe



  73A RAF Tanker

73B Ferrari F1

73C Mercury Commuter

73D Weasel

73E Ford Model A Coupe

74 Matchbox/Lesney 74a; Mobile Canteen Trailer Matchbox/Lesney 74b; Daimler Bus Matchbox/Lesney 74c; Toe Joe Matchbox/Lesney 74d; Mercury Cougar Villager Matchbox/Lesney 74e; Fiat Mirafiori Abarth    




74A Mobile Canteen

74B Daimler Fleetline Bus

74C Toe Joe

74D Cougar Villager

74E Fiat Abarth



Ford Thunderbird - 75a

Matchbox/Lesney 75b; Ferrari Berlinetta

Matchbox/Lesney 75c; Alfa Romeo Carabo Matchbox/Lesney 75d; Seasprite Helicopter Matchbox/Lesney 75e; Helicopter    


  75a Ford Thunderbird 75b Ferrari Berlinetta

75c Alfa Carabo

75d Seasprite Helicopter

75e Helicopter


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Last Edit: 23/01/2025 Matchbox All Vehicles Home Page Added 18/04/2021